Capturing linguistic identity through the health card: a major step forward for French language health services in Ontario

April 3 2018

In French Only. 


Capturing linguistic identity through the health card:  a major step forward for French language health services in Ontario

For immediate release

Aurora, March 29, 2018 – Le Regroupement of French Language Health Planning Entities of Ontario (Le Regroupement) welcomes the 2018-2019 provincial budget, and is particularly pleased with the announcement concerning the capture of linguistic identity data through the health card database. This represents a major step forward which, beyond promoting the active offer of French language health services, will allow provincial and local authorities to collect conclusive data for the planning of health services which address the needs of Francophone patients.

Le Regroupement wishes to commend the leadership shown by the provincial government on this important issue; this announcement is the culmination of many years of collaborative efforts between numerous Francophone community organizations. Le Regroupement intends to follow this matter closely and awaits further details on implementation of this promising initiative.

Executive Directors of Le Regroupement in company of the Minister of Francophone Affairs, Marie-France Lalonde.

Moreover, le Regroupement is pleased to see that the role of French Language Health Planning Entities in Ontario has been strengthened through this new budget. This recognizes the progress achieved by all six Entities in engaging Francophone communities and advising authorities on planning French language health services.

« On behalf of Le Regroupement’s governing bodies, we are very happy to see that, by strengthening their role, this latest budget recognizes the essential work being done by Ontario French Language Health Planning Entities. This announcement on the capture of linguistic data through the health card is a breath of fresh air which will redress the serious lack of data on Francophones; a significant deficiency which has been at the core of all six of the Entities’ work over the last few years. The Entities’ efforts have undeniably helped to improve access to health services in French, and we are counting on increased support as well as the necessary resources from the provincial government to honour the responsibilities which they have been given. »

– Yves Lévesque, Board Chair, Entité 4.


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For more information :
Sophie Sakillarides, Community Engagement and Communications Officer, Entité 4
Téléphone : 905-726-8882, extension 806