Planning French Language Health Services

Planning According to the French Language Services Act (FLSA)

The Réseau works with the health care system to ensure that French language services are planned in a way that is sustainable and responsive to the needs of the community and respects the French Language Services Act. This Act guarantees an individual’s right to receive services in French from Government of Ontario ministries and agencies in 26 designated areas.

Data Analysis and Solution Development

In addition to information obtained from community engagements, the Réseau utilizes the data from the French Language Services Reports completed by the health service providers. This information is used to identify services to enable effective coordination and alignment of care. The analysis of this data also provides us with a better understanding of the health service provider and their needs to support them in planning and implementing their French language health services.

Informing Decision Makers

At the provincial level, the Réseau and the other French Language Health Planning Entities sit on several planning tables with the Ministry of Health and Ontario Health. The Réseau and the other French Language Health Planning Entities provide feedback on how provincial strategies should be developed and applied to better meet the needs of Francophone patients.

The Réseau works in collaboration with Ontario Health for French language health services planning. Priorities and activities are identified through a Joint Action Plan between the Réseau and Ontario Health North.

The Regroupement des entités de planification des services de santé en français de l’Ontario strives to develop principles and common positions to advance, in a cohesive and efficient manner, French language health services at the provincial level.

Being the Francophone Lens

The Réseau sits on various local, regional and provincial planning tables to ensure a Francophone lens in various sectors:

  • Ontario Health Teams;
  • Hospitals;
  • Long-term care;
  • Primary care and community health;
  • Mental health and addictions;
  • Community Support Services;
  • Palliative Care;
  • Public Health;
  • Provincial Francophone organisations (ex: Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario).

At these meetings, the Réseau shares solutions, tools and resources to improve French language health services in the sector.