Annual French Language Services Reports (Azure)

All designated, identified and non-identified health service providers must complete a French language services report through the Azure web portal. By the beginning of April, all health service providers should receive an email informing them that it is time to complete the report online.

These reports collect data on all aspects of French language services (human resources, policies, etc.) to ensure better planning of health services in French throughout the province.

The Réseau can support you in this process. Contact your Planning and Community Engagement Officer in your area for support.

Sylvie Sylvestre
Planning and Community Engagement Officer
Cochrane Region
Fanny Roy
Planning and Community Engagement Officer
Nipissing / Temiskaming Region
Roxanne Langemann
Planning and Community Engagement Officer (Interim)
Sudbury / Manitoulin / Parry Sound Region
Janik Guy
Planning and Community Engagement Officer (Leave)
Algoma Region
Frédérique Dallaire-Blais
Planning and Community Engagement Officer (Leave)
Sudbury / Manitoulin / Parry Sound Region
Chantal Chartrand
Planning and Community Engagement Officer
North West Region