Press Release
For immediate release
6th Annual General Meeting of the RMEFNO
June 1 2016
Sudbury – May 30, 2016 The Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l’Ontario held its 6th Annual General Meeting on May 25, 2016 in Sturgeon Falls.
This year was marked by the renewal of the mandate of the RMEFNO as the French Language Health Services Planning Entity for Northern Ontario. Our work will continue with the North West and North East LHINs (Local Health Integrated Networks) to further improve access to health services.
With funding received from Health Canada through Société Santé en français, we are also working with our partners on various projects (disease prevention, health promotion, project for seniors, telemedicine, active offer, etc..).
We have also submitted our fourth recommendation report. The report portrays the reality and needs of Francophones as reported through data obtained from French Service Reports and community engagement sessions.
An increase in the request for our services from health service providers has been noted. As emphasized by Kim Morris, the Board Chair, ‘’This demonstrates the significant progress in our work with communities and providers on the recognition of the importance of French language health services.’’
At the Board level, five members had their mandate renewed for another three years. We are pleased to have Mélissa Boivin join the Board of Directors as representative for the Temiskaming region. Kim Morris was re-elected as Board Chair and Fabien Hébert as Vice-Chair, Denis Bélanger as Secretary and Angèle Brunelle as Treasurer.
Amendments to the bylaws were accepted to include two categories of members (individual and corporate) of the RMEFNO.
This year, we saw the departure of Ms. Jocelyne Maxwell as a member of the Board. Jocelyne was one of the first members of the Board of Directors of the former Réseau du Nord. Following the dissolution of the Réseau du Nord, Jocelyne joined the RMEFNO Board of Directors as representative for the Temiskaming Region. We would like to thank Ms. Maxwell for her contribution to the francophonie of Northern Ontario.
For a complete list of Board members and a copy of our 2015-2016 Annual Report, follow the links below.
The RMEFNO’s purpose is to ensure that Francophones of the vast region of Northern Ontario have access to a continuum of quality French language health care programs and services that meet their needs.
Source and Information
Monique Rocheleau
Assistant Executive Director or
(705) 477-0160