The Modernization of the FLSA Confirms the Relevance of Active Offer Training

November 9 2021

The Modernization of the French Language Services Act Confirms the Relevance of the Réseau’s Active Offer Training

Thunder Bay, November 8, 2021 – The Réseau is pleased that its recommendation to include the obligation of active offer has been retained in the revision of the French Language Services Act (FLSA). This recommendation was made during the Minister of Francophone Affairs’ public consultations this past summer by the Réseau and it’s partners.

In 2018, the Réseau launched an online training on active offer of French language health services to help health care providers implement culturally appropriate care. To date, more than 2,000 people have completed the online training. A number of health service providers and Ontario Health North have already mandated the training for all of their staff. Initially developed for Ontario, the active offer training is recognized across the country and has been adapted for other provinces and territories.

« L’inclusion de l’offre active dans la refonte de la LSF démontre la pertinence et l’importance de former le personnel en santé à comprendre comment la mettre en pratique afin que les francophones reçoivent des soins culturellement adaptés. Il est important que tout le personnel, même unilingue anglophone, soit formé en offre active parce que tout le monde a son rôle à jouer.   »

- Diane Quintas, Directrice générale du Réseau 

This training, available in English and French, is geared towards individuals working or studying in health or community care and aims to:

  • raise awareness of the value of the active offer of health services in French;
  • make them aware of the important role they can play in ensuring a lasting improvement in the active offer;
  • promote the safety and quality of person-centered care.

The Réseau and its partners have been promoting the concept of active offer for several years and in 2015 published a Joint Position Statement on the Active Offer of French Language Health Services.

The Réseau, in collaboration with its partners, plans, networks and engages with communities to improve access and equity to French language health services.

Source and information:
Monique Rocheleau, Associate Executive Director
or 705-477-0160