RMEFNO supports the release of the Livre blanc from the AFO

October 28 2014

The Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l’Ontario (RMEFNO) supports the release of the Livre blanc sur les assesses de la santé en français by the Assemblée de la francophonie (AFO) during their Annual Forum held in Sudbury on October 24th, 2014.

The Livre blanc en santé outlines five strategic directions that are concrete and realistic to enhance French language health services. This initiative was lead by the AFO and involved key partners across Ontario. The AFO invites the government institutions to continue the dialogue on health and well being for the Francophone communities.

The Livre blanc en santé will provide the RMEFNO with a targeted approach to respond to the needs of the Francophone population of Northern Ontario and the priority directions of the provincial Planning Entities, such as the linguistic variable, linguistic identity of Franco-Ontarians in health and the systematic inclusion of the linguistic dimension in all health related research.

The RMEFNO is encouraged by the direction provided by the AFO to improve access to services in French. The RMEFNO will actively promote the strategies outlined in the Livre blanc en santé through its ongoing work with its community partners and the North Est and North West Local Health Integration Networks. “We believe that through our role as a Francophone Planning Entity, we are well positioned to influence the health care system and the recommendations outlined in the Livre blanc en santé will provide a clear direction as to how best to respond to the needs of Francophones in Northern Ontario. Together, we can bring forward tangible and realistic solutions that aim at reinforcing and transforming the health care system so that it offers accessible and equitable services for Francophones,” explained Diane Quintas, Executive Director of the RMEFNO.

Information on the Livre blanc sur les assisses de la santé en français en Ontario is available on the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario website at www.monassemblee.ca.

The RMEFNO aims to ensure that Francophones in Northern Ontario have access to a range of quality French healthcare programs and services that meets their needs.

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For information:
Monique Rocheleau
Associate Executive Director
Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l’Ontario
Tel.: 705-477-0160