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French Language Services Improvement Accompaniment Service

Active Offer and French Language Services Culturally Appropriate Care Satisfaction or experience of Francophones Communications and Display Linguistic Identification
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Template – Francophone Experience Survey (Questionnaire)

Engagement of Francophones and Partnerships Active Offer and French Language Services Satisfaction or experience of Francophones Culturally Appropriate Care
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MED INTERPRET App – Your Medical Interpretation Companion That Goes Everywhere You Go

Communications and Display Francophone Immigration Interpretation Active Offer and French Language Services Translation and Correction
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Interpretation Guide for Health Care Professionals (English-French)

Communications and Display Francophone Immigration Interpretation Translation and Correction
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“Je parle français” Items (Pins and Others)

Communications and Display Human Resources Linguistic Identification Active Offer and French Language Services
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Examples of Documents to Support Designation and Identification

Engagement of Francophones and Partnerships Designation and Identification Active Offer and French Language Services
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Poster Template – Complaints and Compliments Regarding French Language Services

July 2021
Communications and Display Designation and Identification Satisfaction or experience of Francophones Active Offer and French Language Services Culturally Appropriate Care
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Fact Sheet – Tools and Resources for Planning French Language Health Services

Active Offer and French Language Services Culturally Appropriate Care Designation and Identification
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“Monthly Dose of French” Publication for Employees at Maison McCulloch Hospice

Active Offer and French Language Services Communications and Display Human Resources Culturally Appropriate Care
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